Surname: Tsibina
Name: Tatiana
Patronymic name: Viktorovna
Date of birth: 02.07.1971
Age: 35
Height: 160
Weight: 47
Hair Color: dark-blond
Hair Length: medium
Eye Color: gray-blue
Marital Status: divorced
Children (sex, age): female, 16y.o.
Education: college
Profession: saleswoman
Job title: shop
Religion: Christian
Smoking: no
Drinking: no
Languages (fluent, good, fair, basic, none)
English: basic

Age: 35-47
Race: European
Other requirements : high, energetic, stylish, attentive, independent, serious, with
sense of humor, loving children, with healthy way of life, resolute. 
Your interests: music, sport, dances, pets, reading, traveling, sea, mountains. 

Your personality: without bad habits, honest, independent, with sense of humor,
calm, hardworking, purposeful, energetic, love home coziness.

I want to find a loving man, who will be attentive to me and my daughter. I love
children very much, and I want to have more children, perhaps a boy.